You've got the goal – this is your plan to get there

Are you overwhelmed by all the things you could be working on in your game? And tired of wondering if you're working on the "right" things in your practice? The Practice Plan is for you.

What Practice Planners are saying

  • Wow, what a great approach!

    "As a beginner golfer, I’m excited to have a system to follow because I’ve struggled with knowing where to focus my efforts and it’s easy to get overwhelmed by feeling like I need to improve ALL areas of my game and then I don’t focus anywhere. That’s why I love the Practice Plan – it’s helping me to keep track of my progress each week and given me the drills to follow, so I know what to work on rather than get lost in the online information overload."


  • Thank you, Jess!

    "I’ve been stuck at a 17 handicap but now I’ve actually got a plan to improve. I’m practising more and analysing each game, picking out my low hanging fruit, so I can lower my score. You’ve given me the biggest incentive to lower my handicap than any coach I’ve had!"


  • The Practice Plan is excellent

    "This is just what I needed to get organized and improve for the upcoming season. Often, I feel overwhelmed with all the areas I need to work on for my game. The Practice Plan will really keep my goals on track."


What's inside?

This is what's waiting for you.

Identify the leaks in your game

I'll help you spot where you’re leaking shots on the golf course – with easy to make notes – so you can focus your practice on the part of your game that's going to have the biggest impact on your scores and your confidence.

Keep your goals on track with a weekly plan

I'll help you make a weekly plan for your practice, so you can stop feeling overwhelmed by ALL the things and instead know exactly where and how you're going to focus your efforts.

Take your practice to the next level with drills and challenges

Pick from 15 Performance Drills and Course Challenges that cover every area of your game, so you can bring a new level of focus to your practice sessions and measure your progress when you play.

Let's do this

Hear how I went from 34 to 9 in a year


Is the Practice Plan available globally?

Yes, it's global! You'll receive your Practice Plan as a digital download, so you can be anywhere in the world!

When you say "data-driven", do I need to be a data-nerd to know how to track my data when I play?

Not at all! When I say data, I'm simply meaning notes on a scorecard that help you to remember where you lost shots on that hole. For example, 65 yard pitch went long or 20ft putt really short. That way, you can use that data to decide what you're going to focus on in your practice, like pitching or putting (to build on those examples).

I'm working with a golf coach, will this clash with that?

No at all! I'm not a golf coach, so the Practice Plan does not touch on any technical changes to your golf swing. My hope is it will compliment the work you're doing with your golf coach and provide a focus for your practice in between your lessons with your coach.

I'm not able to practice weekly, will the plan still help me?

Yes! I've focused the Practice Plan on a weekly cycle of practice, aiming for 2 - 3 sessions per week but that doesn't mean you can't adapt the number of sessions you can do per week or even make it per month.